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CURE Zimbabwe is a place of hope for children with treatable disabilities

Community Engagement

Each child’s healing journey begins with an understanding community that makes sure children and their families are accepted and treated with equality. Through mobile clinics, our doctors and ministry teams reach children and their families in more remote villages to conduct medical screenings and share the gospel. And CURE’s spiritual directors train local pastors on how to biblically view and support the disabled community.

Patient Ministry

The children at CURE hospitals receive life-changing surgical care and hear, often for the first time, of their worth and value in God’s eyes. CURE trains our medical staff to provide the counseling and support patients need to process and heal from trauma and successfully reintegrate back into their communities after treatment. In addition, we provide the counseling and support caregivers need to help their child reach their full potential.

Contact Us

CURE Zimbabwe’s mission is to provide every child living with a disability the physical, emotional, and spiritual care they need to heal. If you have questions about becoming a patient or a partner with CURE, please contact us.

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